Benelux – « Benelux Talanoa Dialoog / Dialogue » – Brussel/Bruxelles, 24.9.2018


In line with the global Talanoa Dialogue for Climate Ambition, the Benelux Talanoa Dialogue hosts stakeholders from civil society, business, government and knowledge institutes to discuss enhanced cooperation within and between the three countries in areas as Sustainable Transport, Energy and Resource Efficiency, Finance and Just Transition.

What opportunities are there for such cross-boundary partnerships to increase our efforts? And what obstacles need to be overcome, by government and non-government actors alike, to make this joint effort possible?

 Following the spirit of the Talanoa Dialogue, participants will encounter a safe environment to identify potential initiatives that could be followed up within the Benelux Union and discuss possibilities and challenges towards attaining the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.


Program of the day

9am to 9.30am    Welcome at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands by Her Excellency Maryem van den Heuvel     

9.30am to 9.50am


Introduction by the Secretary General of the Benelux Union, Mr Thomas Antoine   


10.10am to 11.20am


Chatrooms (Where are we?) :

You will have the opportunity to listen to three stories of current projects and initiatives that exist across Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium:

  • innovative ideas that are being deployed with some success today, new services or solutions that are growing and meeting the needs and priorities of specific ecosystems (citizens, businesses, local communities and national governments)
  • contributing to the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement and the follow-up agreements
  • could be a potential case study or candidate for Benelux integration 

11.20am to 1pm


Initiative Design (Where do we want to go?):

You will be part of a working group of 6-8 participants, dedicated to a specific topic (Transport, Finance, Energy Efficiency and Just Transition), working in parallel and continuing the dialogue by developing a shared ambition and ideas on how to move forward.

Each group will identify and develop potential projects and initiatives at Benelux level, and prepare a “pitch” to report to the larger group in plenary.  


1pm to 2pm


Networking lunch


2pm to 3.30pm


Pitches     (How do we get there?), moderated by Executive Director EEA, Mr Hans     Bruyninckx:


The pitches will concern the     deployment of innovative ideas, services or solutions that have a clear     ambition to demonstrate the potential of a new idea to meet the needs and     priorities of stakeholders, including citizens, businesses and local and     national governments, in meeting the long-term goals of Paris Agreement.

The pitches will be presented     to the responsible Belgian Minister, Ms Marie Christine Marghem, the     responsible Luxemburg Minister, Ms Carole Dieschbourg, and the Special Climate Envoy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr Marcel Beukeboom.


3.35pm to 4pm


Final statements and closing by the Deputy     Executive Secretary of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mr. Ovais     Sarmad


4pm to 5 pm








The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kortenberglaan 4-10, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Information: Yvonne Havenga ( of )